Nothing is more disheartening than a bi-partisan effort to open more of our coasts to offshore drilling and exploration. Actually something else is... Barack Obama drastically switching his opinion on the matter. Even worse still is this is his quote:
I remain skeptical that new offshore drilling will bring down gas prices in the short-term or significantly reduce our oil dependence in the long-term, though I do welcome the establishment of a process that will allow us to make future drilling decisions based on science and fact," he said.
So despite sound science affirming the need to cut down on our fossil fuel consumption, and despite that even with a "carefully circumscribed" drilling strategy you will not avoid environmental damage. Obama seems to cater to whatever audience he's talking to. Even when he himself states above he does not think this will solve our problems now or in the futures. If that's the case, please support something that does!
I'm all for a bi-partisan effort to take on our energy crisis, but this is not it. We need a bipartisanship effort to overcome the powerful influence our current energy dependence has over our leadership. And I am not talking about our scary dependence on foreign oil. If you don't believe me that Big Oil and Big Coal right here in the US are captains of our energy future. Just ask Senator Stevens where he got the money to rebuild the first floor of his "Alaskan Chalet"?
So much for not basing every opinion on what is politically popular. Or winning this election without pandering to Big Oil and Gas.
If you are the change we can believe in, how can we believe you when you keep changing your mind.