Saturday, June 28, 2008

All I want for Xmas '08 is a more conservative Supreme Court... Santa?

Okay so I know I'm Jewish and Santa isn't leaving me a more conservative court under my Channukkah bush but really? It's hard to imagine this as anyone's dream. Some home run decisions by our glorious justice system are below, with some key articles... and my opinion mixed in. Enjoy!

I'm so thrilled at the possibility of a more concertive supreme court. It seems like such a nightmare that I don't even know where to begin. Another winning decision announced by our balanced justice system this past week. Original article can be found here (or below). I feel duped that into actually believing the zero tolerance principle for drunk driving applied to OIL TANKERS. Good thing I have the supreme court to put me in my place. Next time a friend has had one too many... they are only really threatening their own life, and maybe the lives of a hand full of others. Pilots... Captains... the next rounds on me. While we are at let me grab my handgun from my bedside drawer, ensure no funny business in the one block from house to the nearest bar. Oh wait, it's still illegal to carry that handgun anywhere. Guess I'll have to hope my pocket knife and mace are enough to ward off those "criminals that love their victims unarmed."

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